The clinical virology faculty provide a diagnostic services for detection and monitoring of viral infections, and determination of immune response to viral antigen exposure. The data from this specialty is used by clinicians at Feinberg-affiliated sites to make the diagnosis of viral infection, assess the response to anti-viral therapy and determine the immune status to viral pathogens.
Our specialty provides a two-week rotation for pathology residents and infectious disease fellows as part of their eight-week clinical microbiology rotation. The rotation enables the trainees to be familiar with major aspects of clinical virology.
Our division provides translational research opportunities for residents and infectious disease fellows.
Patient Care
Through Feinberg-affiliated clinical sites and facilities, our faculty members offer diagnostic service of viral disease to patient care and serve as vital consultants to our physicians about viral tests.
Contact Us

Teresa R Zembower
Professor, Medicine (Infectious Diseases), Pathology
Associate Medical Director, Microbiology

Chao Qi
Professor, Pathology (Microbiology)