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Secondary, Adjunct and Emeritus Faculty

Browse a list of secondary, adjunct and emeritus faculty members in Northwestern University's Department of Pathology and visit their profiles to learn more about their work.

Abdulkadir, Sarki A

Abdulkadir, Sarki A

Professor, Urology, Pathology

Ahrendsen, Jared T

Ahrendsen, Jared T

Assistant Professor, Pathology (Neuropathology)

Alexiev, Borislav A

Alexiev, Borislav A

Professor, Pathology (Soft Tissue Pathology), Pathology (Head and Neck Pathology)

Aqil, Barina

Aqil, Barina

Assistant Professor, Pathology (Hematopathology)

Arunkumar, Ponni

Arunkumar, Ponni

Adjunct Lecturer, Pathology

Barriteau, Christina M

Barriteau, Christina M

Assistant Professor, Pediatrics (Hematology, Oncology, and Stem Cell Transplantation), Pathology

Batra, Ayush

Batra, Ayush

Assistant Professor, Neurology (Neurocritical Care), Pathology

Bigio, Eileen H

Bigio, Eileen H

Professor Emeritus, Pathology

Blanco, Jr., Luis Z

Blanco, Jr., Luis Z

Associate Professor, Pathology (Breast Pathology), Pathology (Gynecologic Pathology)

Borensztajn, Jayme

Borensztajn, Jayme

Professor Emeritus, Pathology

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