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Secondary, Adjunct and Emeritus Faculty

Browse a list of secondary, adjunct and emeritus faculty members in Northwestern University's Department of Pathology and visit their profiles to learn more about their work.

Castellani, Rudolph J

Castellani, Rudolph J

Professor, Pathology (Neuropathology)

Chen, Jonathan H

Chen, Jonathan H

Assistant Professor, Pathology (Molecular Pathology)

Chen, Qing C

Chen, Qing C

Professor, Pathology (Hematopathology)

Chen, Yi-Hua

Chen, Yi-Hua

Professor, Pathology (Hematopathology)

Choi, Insup

Choi, Insup

Assistant Professor, Pathology

Chou, Pauline

Chou, Pauline

Professor, Pathology (Pediatric Pathology)

Choy, Bonnie

Choy, Bonnie

Assistant Professor, Pathology (Cytopathology), Pathology (Genitourinary Pathology)

Cong, Yingzi

Cong, Yingzi

Professor, Medicine (Gastroenterology and Hepatology), Microbiology-Immunology, Pathology

Cooper, Lee A

Cooper, Lee A

Associate Professor, Pathology (Experimental Pathology)
Associate Professor, McCormick School of Engineering

Crutchfield, Christopher A

Crutchfield, Christopher A

Associate Professor, Pathology (Clinical Chemistry)

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